Technology Grants
Where would an individual begin to investigate technology grants? The answer depends to some degree on the size and the complexity of the business or the technology itself.
The Congress of the United States introduced the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and the Small Business Technology Transfer Programs. Small businesses in the United States have been awarded some $2 billion dollars through these programs. Both programs, though, have criteria that determine eligibility. Eligible applicants must: be a small business or fewer employees; organized for-profit; have its principle place of business in the United States; and, be at least 51% owned by a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident. Additionally, both programs stipulate, “the primary employment of the principal investigator must be with the small business, and the proposing firm must perform at least 2/3rd of the R&D work in Phase I and at least 1/2 in Phase II.” Furthermore, all research and development (R&D) must meet federal goals and objectives, and have a high degree of commercialization for success. If this all seems daunting, it is. But the good news is this: technology grants abound!
Technology grants involve many different fields of inquiry and study. There are technology grants for teachers, young entrepreneurs who have formed financially viable businesses, young girls to dispel the persistent stereotype that females just aren’t technical. The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Foundation Classroom Grants are “awarded to encourage excellence in educating students about math, science, technology, and engineering.”
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) sponsors the MIT Sea Grant. Talk about cutting edge technology! MIT Sea Grant sponsors a wide variety of marine research, through an annual funding competition open to Massachusetts university-based researchers. Its research includes “the work of the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Lab, and the Design Lab for naval architecture and systems.” It conducts research in “marine bio-invasions, water quality, climate change, fishing communities and policy, and offers innovative, hands-on marine science education programs.”
Interested in broadband technology? Yes, there are grants available for it! Check out the Broadband Technology Opportunities by accessing
Live in Arkansas, and have an innovative way to develop or improve products or processes “through the transfer of technical solutions to technology-based, industry-driven problems, thus enhancing that enterprise’s market competitiveness.” Review The Technology Transfer Assistance Grant Program (TTAG) to determine eligibility.
The point being that numerous technology grants are available through the federal government, at a state level, and through corporations. Some of the largest corporations in the world provide significant technology grants: IBM, Hewlett Packard, and Dell.
The National Center for Research Resources provides information on biomedical technology grants. One grant program allows institutions to purchase state-of the art technologies that assist researchers to remain at the forefront of biology and medicine. Here, too, one will find information on Research Grants for Technology Research and Development: Investigator-Initiated Research Grants that fund research projects leading to “new or improved instruments, technologies, devices, and methodologies that will have broad application to biomedical research.”